Archive for the ‘Time’ Category

The What If Of Blogs

Blogs are a funny thing. A mouthpiece of one. A mouthpiece reaching a virtually unlimited audience. Pretty amazing actually and somewhat scary all at the same time. Day after day. Hour after hour. Minute after minute. Blog after blog. Authored, burned, fetched, pinged, posted, and tagged all across the globe. And guess what tomorrow holds? Yep. More of the same.
I have several blogs listed within my reader. Check them each day. Often, a couple times each day. I maintain two and soon to be three blogs. Much like a good book or a good song…I love a good blog.

Here are some of my favorites. Church Marketing Sucks. Dan Kimball. Seth Godin. Tony Morgan. All blogs on church, culture, leadership, and ministry. All good and highly recommended. Perhaps not your cup of tea. Well, there are blogs about anything and everything. Building, designing, driving, flying, gardening, hiking, painting, running, surfing, and so on. If you can name it, there’s likely a blog about it.

These blogs probably suck up more energy and time than I’d care to admit or really even want to know. Makes me wonder. What if?

What if the church believed and loved as much as they emailed and followed?

What if the church proclaimed and served as much as they messaged and posted?

What if the church trusted and witnessed as much as they subscribed and tweeted?

Want to get personal…perhaps sting a little. Forget the church. You are the church. We are the church. I am the church.

So. What if you? What if we? What if I?

The Bike Ride

The weekend is upon us. Before diving into this weekend, let’s take a quick look at a simple truth.

What are we doing with our time? What paths are we walking? Why are we walking these paths? Should we be walking these paths? Are these paths the right paths?

So…now the simple truth. After all, simple truths are the best kind. Right?

Do all for the Lord! Calling, hanging, mowing, parenting, washing, working, and so on. Do all for the Lord!

Kind of like riding a bike. At some point, we all fall off. Once off, does the ride revert to the beginning? Of course not. Watch those who get back on…who dust themselves off and persevere. Those are the ones who will be used by God.

Ride with your all! And…before riding, make sure you’re on God’s path. Until next time. Jed.

Are You In

Life happens sooner or later. There’s no escaping it. What a true statement! Perhaps it’s something simple such as a busted furnace or tire. Perhaps it’s something more such as a failing diagnosis or relationship. Either way…life happens. All it takes is a little time and here’s the bad and good news…regardless of our economic or social status, everyone has a little time.

What to do? I’m reminded of camp. One junior high student and one senior high student. One struggling to give their life to the Lord and one pleading with the Lord for the health of a loved one. What did they do? They prayed and surrendered to the Supernatural.

We must let go of the natural and allow the Supernatural to prevail. It’s not about you! The world was turned upside down by only 120 people (Acts 2). Not because of their natural abilities…but, because of their willingness to surrender to the Supernatural and give their all to the Lord!

Prayed and surrendered. Sounds simple enough. Are you in? Until next time. Jed.

When Will The Fog Lift

Well…week three at the new digs is nearly under belt. It’s been fulfilling and fun. Also, the robins are singing, the sun is shining, and the trees are popping. Spring is here! Although you never thought it would arrive…it has. Funny how that goes. Longing and waiting for a season that comes ever so slowly and goes ever so quickly.

This coming and going transcends life. You often don’t even realize that you’re out of one before being engrossed into another. Perhaps you’re shaking hands with stress and strife. Or, you may be sitting in the midst of uncertainty with doubt and fear hammering away. You wonder…how did I arrive? How can I get out? Or, more importantly, when will I get out? I need clarity. Now!

Sorry. But, there’s no magic cure or three step program for success. My advice is to never forget that God has not forgotten. God has heard your cries, pleas, and prayers and He has not forgotten a single one.

Sitting here today…I’m blessed. For years…I’ve chased, hunted, and pursued the present day. Fog often plagued my path. However, this path was paved by God. He did not forget! So, despite your current circumstances, a clearing will come. I’m proof! Until then…stay the course, stay the course, stay the course, and stay the course. God has not forgotten a single one.

Now, is it time to take the land or perhaps send some spies first? A discussion for another day. Until next time. Jed.

The Grand Curtain

There is a time for everything as Solomon says. A time to build, dance, heal, laugh, mend, speak, refrain, and so on. But…what would these words look like today? A time to blog, email, message, post, surf, text, tweet, and twit. We’re flooded with information and often driven by technology. Last night, I had to chuckle and somewhat frown all at the same time. I walked through the door and waited for my running hugs. You know…the ones that all fathers cherish. Instead, my five year old asked for my phone. Why? She wanted to play a game (Super Monkey Ball). Little red parent flags started to waive and she is now fasting from my phone. Fortunately, my two year old did not let me down. Man…I love those hugs.

Time is given to all. Employees, families, friends, kids, parents, spouses…me and you. So, are we present in the present or propelled by the if only? Ever play the if only game? It’s a fun little game. Let’s give it a shot…

– If only my car was way cooler.
– If only my commute was a little closer.
– If only my knowledge was somewhat sharper.
– If only my house was a little bigger.
– If only my muscles were a tad larger.
– If only my office was a few floors higher.

Now, what follows the if only? The then. You fill in the blank. Then…I’ll be better, happier, healthier, and/or wealthier. Conquer one if only and guess what’s waiting around the next corner. Yep. Another if only. Corner after corner. If only after if only.

Ready for the grand curtain? If only I knew Jesus, then I’ll be blessed. Present in the present and trusting in the Lord. We’ll dig deeper within upcoming posts. Until next time. Jed.

By the way…my sister-in-law has started a blog and it’s great. I’m proud of her. Check it out here.

God’s Pie

An intriguing video. Money aside…this video can apply to all walks of life. Especially your time.

To Be Or Not To Be

Any leaders among us? I imagine so. Leaders love to do do do and go go go. Capturing, nailing, reaching, remembering, and transcending…multiple items and tasks at one time. A quick inhale and off we go again. A relentless venture. Climbing mountain after mountain. Crossing finish line after finish line. Repeating day after day and tomorrow after tomorrow.

The point being…leaders often relish leading and completely neglect being. To be or not to be? Be a friend. Be a husband. Be a parent. Be a partner. But…above all…be with God. The friend, husband, parent, and partner will never fully bloom without the later. Be with God.

The beauty. The majesty. Remember when? These things I remember as I pour out my soul. How I used to go with the multitude. Leading the procession to the house of God with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng (Psalm 42:4). Remember when following and serving God was thankful and joyful and not just full of notes, points, and tasks.

Pause for a moment day after day and tomorrow after tomorrow. Remember when. Be with God and be renewed! Until next time. Jed.

How Can This Be?

Time flies when you’re having fun. Everyone has heard this phrase. However, I tend to believe…time flies regardless of fun.
Solomon wrote, “There is a time for everything.” But…we often wonder how to fit our everything into time. After all…didn’t you…
– change the oil?
– charge the battery?
– check the email?
– do the laundry?
– drink the coffee?
– empty the garbage?
– feed the dog?
– file the report?
– make the lunch?
– pay the bill?
– sign the card?
– take the vitamin?
– wash the pot?
Oh…the things we juggle. The things that comprise our everything. Our everything that must fit into time. And before you blink…days turn into weeks and weeks into months and months into years.
My oldest starts kindergarten on Monday. How can this be? Were we not just learning to crawl and then learning to talk and walk. Time flies…
Yes. I agree with Solomon. There is a time for everything. A time to love. A time to witness. A time to proclaim the wonders of God. We fit in the reports, emails, coffees, and bills. Do we fit in God?
God has called each of us to take up our cross and follow Him…day by day. Don’t miss your ministry. Perhaps your child, coworker, neighbor, or spouse. Somewhere within the day by day your ministry is there.
Gods says it best —- “Be still and know that I am God.” Until next time. Jed.